More tulips!


A beautiful everything created after the original drawing More tulips! is now on my Society 6 shop! Check it out and invite more tulips in your life!!!

13 thoughts on “More tulips!”

    • Hei, thanks so much for reblogging! That is such a compliment!
      Everyone uses what is the best for them 🙂 I cannot use my mouse 🙂
      I must admit I don’t know so much about scrapbooking, but I will check it out when I have some time. Thanks so much for this advice.
      I have had the Etsy shop for a while, I find it extremely time consuming 🙂 so a friend told me about Society 6 – maybe you know it. You can check it out, there is a link to it in SHOP on top of my webpage. I will see how it works, haha, funny to see a pillow cover with my stuff.


  1. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Inget uppstår utav ett vakuum! Vi alla behöver inspireras av något eller någon. Här är en blog som Kreativia inspireras av.
    Enkla och djärva linjer, men låt er inte luras! Det ligger många timmars övande bakom dessa. Dock är inget omöjligt och just Doodle är något som ALLA kan göra! ❤


    • Thanks Laura!!
      So nice to hear that my work inspires people! Do you draw yourself??


      • Laura says:

        Yes, I like to draw flowers, just for fun 🙂


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